57 thoughts on “Enchanted

    • That’s really nice to know, Pieter, that you appreciate my post and getting closest possible (by the way with a magnifier in front of my camera sometimes). Have a nice Sunday, regards Mitza

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      • ha! That’s brilliant, using a magnifier 🙂 Something to remember and play with. As you mentioned this, i can think of using glass or other distorting/magnifying objects. Let’s make macro fun 😉

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      • Yes, always good to try something out. When you use a magnifier it’s a bit difficult to make photos because you only have a very short area where the photo is sharp.

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  1. Es ist herrlich, diese Blumen im Großformat anzuschauen. Ist bei euch in Hamburg die Kälte endlich vorbei?.Bei uns herrscht eine Hitzewelle, und man macht sich jetzt schon Sorgen ber die kommenden Waldbrände.Liebe Grüße aus Kanada!

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    • Vielen Dank, Peter, für Deine lieben Worte. Bei uns wird es jetzt auch wärmer. Ich sah neulich im tv, dass es bei Euch eine Gegend im Osten gibt, wo es ziemlich brennt. Bei uns ist es nicht so gefährlich, viel gefährlicher ist es in Griechenland. Da haben wir schon einige Brände gesehen, da fliegen immer Flugzeuge “Streife”, um rechtzeitig zu löschen. Ist ein toller Anblick, wenn die Wasser aus dem Meer saugen. Schöne Grüße aus Hamburg, Mitza

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  2. stunning!! Spring has come for you! at last 🙂 the sun shines! these photos are so lovely Mitza. and I had no idea, that you could put a magnifier in front…. and get close up?!! news to me !

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  3. There is a charm and a peaceful quiet in these photos the images are so pure and very pretty. Your idea of a magnifier is a gem. Greetings from Alberta Canada. Nice to meet you.

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    • Thank you so much, Heather, for your kind greetings from Alberta, Canada. I have been in Vancouver once. Canada is beautiful and I’m sure you have a lot of beautiful flowers, too. Hope the fires are extinguished soon. I’m living in Northern Germany and sometimes in Greece. Nice to meet you, too, regards Mitza


      • 🙂 Thank you…yes we have some beautiful flowers and landscapes here as well. I have been to Netherlands & Belgium but those are the only places outside of North America that I have been, however I would love to travel more and hopefully will. It is nice to meet you as well. I enjoy your blog. Happy blogging.

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      • thanks a lot for your kind words, I wish you a happy blogging, too and thanks for liking my blog. I can only return your compliments, have a nice day, regards Mitza

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