To draw or not to draw

Some of you might wonder, why I chose these words for my post. It’s very simple: for me to draw or not to draw is nearly the same like to be or not to be.

Being born highly sensitive life doesn’t always have bright sides to look at but on the other hand highly sensitive people have a lot of artistic dispositions. For me painting and drawing is the same like meditation. I forget everything around me, I’m not hungry or thirsty anymore, I forget all my problems and that really helps a lot.

In the last weeks I have started again to draw regularly, i.e. every day about two hours. I wanted to overcome the sadness that was in my heart because my son has left me to make his phd in Vienna. I started a real challenge: old houses and a church in Holland. I found this photo in Word Press. It’s from a very talented young man named Pieter Navis who gave me his permission to use this photo. It took more than two weeks to complete this drawing because there were so many tiles and bricks to be sketched and going into details makes me even calmer. The drawing of the landscape was made by a photo from a WP blogger called bythebriny. Thanks.

You can also find some other drawings and paintings I made in the last time. As you can see, I usually use dark blue paper or even packing paper. I don’t like white paper. I used different media like pastel sticks, colored pencils with opaque white and charcol pencils. Unfortunately it wasn’t so easy to photograph my pictures as they were in frames with glas. Some of them don’t look as good on the photo as they are. I hope you just get an idea about my artistic work and like it.


56 thoughts on “To draw or not to draw

  1. Dear Mitza, I am glad to read that the art of drawing and painting gives you comfort and relief over the departure of your son to far away Vienna. I like the drawing of the church very much. It does not only render faithfully the church from a photograph and is not only perfect from a technical point of view, but also captured the spirit, which transcends the mere copy of an object. When taking a picture covered by glass, it is best to avoid bright light altogether. Best wishes on your artistic journey!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, dear Peter, for your kind words and the encouragement you give to me. I tried in every room to avoid bright light, but wasn’t really possible. Thanks for liking my work, have a nice day, regards Mitza

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  2. Lovely work. It’s important to have those activities that you can sink into. I grew up as a very sensitive person, psychic and an empath. Music, playing and listening to it and nature are my meditations.

    I understand the loss of a child in your home. May you fill that space with great art, friends and other things that bring you joy.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for your kind words of approval. I wanted to take up the cudgels for highly sensitive persons because they might be misunderstood easily. Music and nature is something that I love a lot, too. Have a good day, regards Mitza

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  3. I hope to see more. Your work is expressive and beautiful. I know that feeling of immersion in the experience of creating, and it is healing. I remember very well when my son left home to go to college. It was a wrench and took time to absorb. I hope for the best for you and for success for him!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Claudia, for your kind words. You can understand what I feel. I feel a bit better already knowing that my son has got a good chance for his future life. Have a nice day, regards Mitza


  4. hi Mitza! wow!! love these! you’re right about being sensitive, at times I dislike it. but then mostly I am happy to be so. we feel. into the depths of our cells. that which is around us and in us. where others are just not that tuned in. anyway, so glad to see your post and your fab art works this morning 🙂 cheers, Debi

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: Digitally Painting Deventer | P N C O

  6. Absolutely beautiful work dear Mitza, I know how meditative making art can be and I am so happy for you that you re discovered that just now. My favourites of your have always been your townscapes and I still love them, but I also like your other works. It is nice to read about your work, you are a real artist.
    Mitza I have finally now explored WordPress and discovered how to get an email every time a favourite blogger submits a post, I hope it will work now as I don’t want to miss your postings anymore.
    KInd regards, Agnes

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s really so nice to get your kindhearted words today. Thanks a lot. I’m happy you explored WordPress now. I hope you still have a great time in Malta. How’s the weather? We have sun and 10 degrees but cold wind, but our garden shows a lot of little beauties already. Have a nice Sunday, kind regards Mitza

      Liked by 1 person

      • Great that the weather is improving there in Germany, and that the garden is starting to show lots of spring time wonders. Here it is between 16 and 19C very pleasant, sometimes strong wind too. Talk soon 🙂

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